History Of Banking : India
The History of Banking in India dates back before India got independence in 1947 and is a key topic in terms of questions asked in various Government exams. In this article, we shall discuss in detail the evolution of the banking sector in India. The banking sector development can be divided into three phases: Phase I: The Early Phase which lasted from 1770 to 1969 Phase II: The Nationalization Phase which lasted from 1969 to 1991 Phase III: The Liberalizatio n or the Banking Sector Reforms Phase which began in 1991 and continues to flourish till date Pre Independence Period (1786-1947) The first bank of India was the “Bank of Hindustan”, established in 1770 and located in the then, Indian capital, Calcutta. However, this bank failed to work and ceased operations in 1832. During the Pre Independence period over 600 banks had been registered in the country but only a few managed to survive. Following the path of Bank of Hindustan, various other banks were ...